Tuesday, November 17, 2009

STORE FRONT, like MEMORY BANK ponder, THE deathly CREAM always wanders....HUH?!?!

well i know this doesnt happen to the army

   'Ello govna's and govette's and all the rest of the glove latex lovers, im a aloe man myself, wink wink....so anyway yesterday i was out towson town center looking for some music and i found some "THE NEW FLESH" and "ABSOLUTION" now of the two im really diggin the absolution not only are they bad ass like spawn but they have a black lead singer(punk) but anywho thats not the point of this, but what is, is that im currently on the look out for a shop store front or for that matter a co-op with an establishment of some sort so that i may spawn a revival of the art of conversation, or maybe the pursuit of truth, or poetry crooners, word chefs something cool and unknowlingly scholastic ohhhhhhhh something simple like "DIalogue" well anyway its a work in progress, im also working on a poetry book, im sorry i couldnt talk about something real this time oh well...

 O saved by the cnn news reel, so just read a bout a single mother who happens to fight for our country in the army and has been arrested for missing deployment.....why? ...well ill tell you my little chums, she had to stay home and take care of her new born son who didnt have anyone else to take care of him and also her superiors told her that she would have to deploy to afghanistan despite her child and would have to place the child in foster care, which in most cases results in a child lost in the system,, sounds like pig pucky to me, in other words that sucks, and then the armys representitives(who are always giant douchers) came out and said "i dont know who her commanding officers are but the army would never deploy a single mother to the middle of war"(this is said with a pinky up like doctor evil) and well this just sounds like some more bullshit dudes and dudets just sounds like the army is trying to save face i personnally think this is worst than the guantanamo bay perDICKament, UNTIL NEXT TIME, this has been a ICECREAMBYDEATH bitch slap

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A NIGGA MOMENT(get serious boyeeeeeee!!!!)

i guess because i would be considered black i have todo atleast one NIGGER BLOG so here you go, eat up you little race fanatics

So as wonderfully refreshing as today has been, this infamous word has clearly defined the kinship of many, of the "black persuasion". Yet today as this post is advancing towards, the word black was used in place of the word nigga/er. the conversation was as "do you go to church?" yes "do you curse or do things the church wouldnt aprove of?" and based on my response of yes he promptly replied "you got some black in you then huh?" and in such i became very offended because in that context i took black as an implied synonym for nigga.

the conversation then erupted into a debate of what in fact the word nigga actually meant, the word obviously meant ignorance, though deeper meaning in the context of what i think a nigga is, would be a person who feels they may do or say anything without regard for the ideals and or effect it has on others. upon my definition my opposition began to negate my denotation of the word and in such the debate escalated into the reasons of being proud of being "black", but not before stating that using the word nigga is to strong of a word and hurts peoples feelings, well excuse me for being unprofessional but if your acting like a nigga,nigger or any spin of the term like spear chucker then boo mother fricken hoo if someone calls you as such, for i believe if you feel as though the word is to strong then obviously were makeing some head way. but back to the jest of this....so as we began talk of the definition of black and or white and the simple fact that all of such word knowledge is gathered from the fathoms of white illustration, and the classification of races, i denounced the need to identify with a des-olent color, i am but a human being void of the need to subject others to nigger-ish and niggerdum.


I'm a nigger, he's a nigger, she's a nigger, we some niggers, wouldn't you like to be a nigger too? To all my kike niggas, spic niggers, Guinea niggers, chink niggers, that's right, y'all my niggers too I'm a nigger, he's a nigger, she's a nigger, we some niggers, wouldn't you like to be a nigger too? They like to strangle niggers, blaming niggers, shooting niggers, hanging niggers, still you wanna be a nigger too? True i know you do


(men 2gether how sweet, not homo at all, all hetero baby)
Good sun shiny day ladys and gents, to those not in maryland it is absolutely beautiful outside(not like Hilary Clinton) so today I found myself on the bus stop coming from work and on this bus stop was I the skater type afrocentric "POWER TO THE PEOPLE" guy, a older guy of about 20 with the ima gangsta look going on(he was complaining about his extra gangsta sinuses) but anyway so then there was the final guy who was dressed like a business man and acted as if he was with his blackberry talking of plans and typing on his laptop so I shall call him busy man(he's a busy man who drinks busy coffee and takes busy poops) so its me the sloothe,the gangsta wigga, and the business man, so we are all sitting together on the bus stop mind you im the only dark skinned fella there(gangsta is white and business man is Hispanic) so we are avoiding eye contact well they are and are doing our own things and these white chicks pull up infront of the bus stop and start harassing the white guy cursing at'em calling him a wigga, a poser, a chump in less words, and as the wigga gets up to put some bass to the ladys face we(business man and I) hold him back and proceeded to yell at the ladys calling them names like Paris Hilton wannabes experimental cunt lickers, and grand dad cock waxers throwing soda in their car.... as they sped off we all went back to be silent, as if we didn't know each other were on the bus stop.

cat fights and more to get you HOT IN THE PANTS!?!?

(sexy cat lady)

Good day ladys and gents today,(well tonight) I am feeling rather spectacular because I just got home from spending an evening with the miss's, and because I feel this way I might not rip the human race a new.....hardy har who am I kidding she only gave me more fuel to get my mustang American made gas guzzling job giving away ecosystem destroying fire burning even higher.....so anyway the beat goes on....today as I rode public transportation(which I lothe) and it isn't just the people or the asshole bus drivers but the fact that I think the exhaust from a bus does a lot more damage than a car) but anyway 5 young ladys who didn't seem to know each other catch wind of each other at a bus stop, and it just so happens that they all have the same hairstyle and in this thought they began yelling screaming and soon fighting......now this scenario is real and is a good example of people who believe that they are original when they are clearly under the influence of uniformity, which basically comes from the idea that there is only one type of beauty and or hipness, but this is a problem we will forever face because we are all primal and are just trying to be top dog

YOUR A SLUT(i know) YOUR A SLUT(i know) YOUR A SLUT(i know, call me a slut one more time) SLUT!!! SLUT!!! SLUT!!! SLUT!!!

(im a busy man, that drinks busy coffee,reads the busy paper, and takes busy poops)

Good day ladys and gents....oh and to clear somethings up,... to you guys and fem-fatales who think im calling the lot of you, ladys and gents just to be polite is completely the opposite of my snarkiness, i call all the men(and you women that want to be men) gents because a gentleman is a man who is of good nature and as much as i hope that my readers are gentlemen, its not always the case most of the time they are "posers", and as far "the ladys" im calling everyone a lady because in the sense that someone is always trying to tarnish a lady or the good nature of her, and in such names such as harlot,slut, and the like are tossed around yet if we look at ourselves, we will see some harlot in ourselves, prostitutes if you will because we are all in the pursuit of money in some shape or form, and now on to the point.....Sorry to offend(maybe...partially)

so as the title can be interpreted this one goes out to all those sexy religions out there,... as always ive had to battle religion and and religious fanatics relentlessly. ive had to battle the bible reciters, the self riotous molesters and last but not least the people that beleive what these molesters, money grubbers, and bible spitters say, and thats just on the christian(catholic, evangelical) side i also have a problem with Scientology,Judaism, Islam, and maybe i dont have a problem with the religions I BELIEVE it is the poeple who drench there lives in it, and sometimes it might not be apparent that there lives are enthralled in religion to the point where it makes people such as myself who are of secular faith( honestly the way people adore and worship their religion is sickening) people dont understand that THE NOTION OF GOD came before religion and that if you are to worship anything it should be him/HER(THE CONNECTION OF THE UNIVERSE), and i also dont believe that the guy/gal wants you to bow down to HIM OR HER either, just living by the moral ability THAT has BEEN bestowed upon you. and maybe i sound like a preacher,pastor,bishop, or whatever BUT im going to be truthful i am going to rape molest and beat your brain in to a pulp until you all understand the reality of life and disbanded the former



So im sitting here in class, and my teacher tells me that I need to learn the reasons for columbus's voyage in the hope of India I replied hurt and abrupt because it is because of my high understanding there is nothing that I have todo except eat, sleep, drink water, and use the bathroom when nature calls as it often does, quit frankly if I learned what I needed to learn through out the years as well as my fellow classmates, wouldn't be in the major deficit of haunting stereotypes led by statistics of poor appeal, so in retrospect to all the teachers that wish to teach me lies about how CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS "DISCOVERED" "THE AMERICAS" I DECLINE WITH A FUDGE YOU AND OFCOURSE WITH A SIMPLE FACT, THE AMERICAS WERE ALREADY INHABITED BY THE NATIVE AMERICANS WHO ARE SO WRONGLY CALLED INDIANS AND CHRISY CONQUERED SOUTH AMERICA AND AND HELPED DESTROY A PEOPLE AND THEIR CULTURE.....so peace in your face, it means see yah later, later later...LATER allagater


GOOD DAY LADYS AND GENTS...now i know it seems a bit naive of me to think that i have a fan base of women and men let alone a good number of them, yet i should think that one day it shall be and when that day comes i wouldn't want anyone to be left out now would i...

so today i stumbled upon an article about a strip search of a young lady at a middle school for drugs, maybe some of you have read it, it was entitled "Strip-search of girl tests limit of school policy" now i dont know about you and how your mind tends to think but when i read the title at a glance it read "stripper tests accumulated money record books" yet contrary to what i thought i am not a man who ogles at women who strip for money or for that matter i wouldn't enjoy going to a strip club but none the less that's what i thought...

back to the point...so after i got myself back together i began to read the article and before i knew it i was angry and i wasnt even past the second line the article READ "savanna Redding still remembers the clothes she had on-black stretch pants with butterfly patches and a pink T-shirt" dude she was fudging wearing black stretch pants which to my knowledge are like leggings which might i add usually shows a lot of curves and for a little 13 year old girl to wear that to school this is already messed up, and so i read on and they made the whole thing really sound like a horror story with "the search by two female school employees was methodical and humiliating" and "Ms.redding,an honor student, had no pills" they wrote this like OMG shes an honor role student how could she possibly have drugs or do anything wrong well dudes and dudets i think she was scantly clad from bungee...

Now dont get me wrong i do feel that the schools ability todo such a thing to the "poor poor girl" was extremely excessive yet at the same time why was she not privy to the idea that such a thing is wrong, i mean maybe she was under the impression that she should do what they say because they are adults but at the sametime i dont even know how children get molested by their priests so i wont ever get this one...

can someone please explain.........WILL NO LEADER GO UNTAINTED LAUGH OUT LOUD

and now a word from eminem....

UmMmMmm touch my bodyUmMmMmm touch my body Ooh boy just touch my bodyI mean girl just touch my body


(this is how porn goes begins with pow ends with zoink (lmao)

Howdy do revenge seekers, love needers, and sexually confused closet bugs lol, jk, so yesterday they killed muhammad i wonder if they will kill that rapist guy who had like 30 bodies in his basement also, probly if i knew that guy was white id try and pull the race card right now but...nah ill keep that one in my back pocket only on the left side, yeah thats the smart side, but dont think the naacp wont try and pull the race card they always do for some of the dumbest things now adays, like awhile back they had a full on FUNERAL for the word NIGGER, and idk if your black or have some black friends or should i say AFRICAN AMERICAN FRIENDS but the word nigger isnt what plagues the people its the slang and or preferred abreviation as NIGGA, but thats not the point today maybe ill dish that out with the dirty laundry next blog lol....so the jist of this blog is about bootleg porn sellers, YES THATS RIGHT i said it BOOTLEG PORN SELLERS, so just recently i bought my car and while i was at advanced auto parts putting oil in the baby lol, this guy comes out of nowhere with like a SACK FULL OF PORN it was all poorly covered with cocks and vaginal action everywhere, i was disgusted but i couldnt avert my eyes...lol but yeah that was my day with the porn guy, i didnt buy any i promise(crossed fingers)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dont Burn all my franken scents and merlow bro

Good day my fellow generation x follow ups as well as, the rest of  the international play boys and play girls, today is going to be a very eventful day whether it be good or bad it shall be eventful, i say this because if when you first wake up and turn on the tv to get a eye ball on the news and all you hear is there is going to be an execution of a black man named muhammad you just know its going to be a day of scandalous skeezers and such lol, the catalyst of history are nothing more than the popularity contests of tabloid blues, noteing nothing more than pop culture, you know i was reading the other day probly on sunday, that the actual midnight ride wasnt carried by paul revere it was done by andrew bisel which sounds like a vacuum cleaner so im guess "ing" they thought revere sounds cooler which it does, thats like the whole reason for mount rushmore, which was suppose to have sitting bull up there except the guy that was doing it ,wasnt to....hugs and kisses about native americans at the time, and plus it was made to gather tourists to the "west bum fuck no where" so like i said everything is based on pop culture and how you spin it, and also if you can get enough people to read it, see it, and dumb enough to believe it, its like a pie in the face pizza of death to the brain, and there goes your knowledge.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I GOT SOME CONES THAT IM WILLIN TO SELL,, sell the ice cream 2, 2 scoops for a BILL

Good morrow ladys and gents, boys and girls, dice tumblers of another number, welcome to the new danger, to begin this is the second blog ive started and im starting this one because well the last one was a bit to strong in the pants if you know what i mean lnol(laugh not out loud), so the last blog was more or less( mostly more) about ripping the world a new one but i didnt keep up with it and i didnt spread the word enough to get an audience so it pretty much died, so ICE CREAM BY DEATH(THE NEW DANGER WAS BORN),  so this blog is made to get you (tap on chest) PUMPED UP and give everyone a diffrent minds eye on the world around us. peace peace peace POW