Wednesday, November 11, 2009


GOOD DAY LADYS AND i know it seems a bit naive of me to think that i have a fan base of women and men let alone a good number of them, yet i should think that one day it shall be and when that day comes i wouldn't want anyone to be left out now would i...

so today i stumbled upon an article about a strip search of a young lady at a middle school for drugs, maybe some of you have read it, it was entitled "Strip-search of girl tests limit of school policy" now i dont know about you and how your mind tends to think but when i read the title at a glance it read "stripper tests accumulated money record books" yet contrary to what i thought i am not a man who ogles at women who strip for money or for that matter i wouldn't enjoy going to a strip club but none the less that's what i thought...

back to the after i got myself back together i began to read the article and before i knew it i was angry and i wasnt even past the second line the article READ "savanna Redding still remembers the clothes she had on-black stretch pants with butterfly patches and a pink T-shirt" dude she was fudging wearing black stretch pants which to my knowledge are like leggings which might i add usually shows a lot of curves and for a little 13 year old girl to wear that to school this is already messed up, and so i read on and they made the whole thing really sound like a horror story with "the search by two female school employees was methodical and humiliating" and "Ms.redding,an honor student, had no pills" they wrote this like OMG shes an honor role student how could she possibly have drugs or do anything wrong well dudes and dudets i think she was scantly clad from bungee...

Now dont get me wrong i do feel that the schools ability todo such a thing to the "poor poor girl" was extremely excessive yet at the same time why was she not privy to the idea that such a thing is wrong, i mean maybe she was under the impression that she should do what they say because they are adults but at the sametime i dont even know how children get molested by their priests so i wont ever get this one...

can someone please explain.........WILL NO LEADER GO UNTAINTED LAUGH OUT LOUD

and now a word from eminem....

UmMmMmm touch my bodyUmMmMmm touch my body Ooh boy just touch my bodyI mean girl just touch my body

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